
Halo fleet battles supercarrier
Halo fleet battles supercarrier

halo fleet battles supercarrier

The COS does seem to run up against the size issue of sci-fi that plagues things like the Death Star, in that they don't seem possible, let alone feasible. It's certainly an interesting question, in-universe as well as the lengths people dislike Reach's changes and want to reconcile them :P : result of ONI performing damage control after the Fall of Reach. : Reach, its quite possible that the CSO doesn't exist and is purely a : up CAS and that our only in universe appearence of this massive ship is in Either way, the fact that the CSO looks like a blown : flagship but due to Regret's small fleet sent to Earth he only used the : Perhaps this means that the prophets would exclusively fly CSO's as their : the also heavily shielded High Charity." : to serve as the Hierarchs' personal flagships when they were not aboard : selected by the Covenant alongside the much larger CSO-class supercarrier : "A further testament to this vessel's survivability is that it was : This quote is pulled directly from the Halopedia article about the CAS : Valiant Prudence is completely made up from an in universe perspective. Based on this information it is quite plausible that the Fleet of : retrieval fleet sent ahead of the main Fleet of Particular Justice to : flagship of the Fleet of Valiant Prudence which was apparently an artifact : ships and the only on screen mention of this massive ship is as the : So its easy to say that the CSO is on a whole other level to most covenant : That litte ship in the bottom left is a CAS in the same scale. Also, look at the craziness that is the CSO model : because both the CSO and the CAS have been made as models, so I mistook : led to our confusion when we began to talk about Halo: Fleet Battles : Mombasa in Halo 2 is a CAS assualtcarrier not a CSO super carrier, which : supercarrier with the CAS assualtcarrier. : A quick and very brief correction on my part, I was confusing the CSO : Aslo, thanks Vagueness for streaming all of our conversations, it makes : First here is the link to the stream where we had the conversation : of Valiant Prudence and its flagship the Long Night of Solace. : harnassed my inner Ahab and went after my white whale, the elusive Fleet : stated isn't a real thing and is also ONI propaganda. : also consistes of a CSO class supercarrier, a ship that Inhuman also : stealth to take on the UNSC version of the Pentagon, Reach. : invasion to make it seem that the covenant had to use covert ops and : the events taking place in the first half of the game are canonically Inhuman mentioned multiple times that most of : Inhuman and I had a lengthy disussion about Halo: Reach and how 343i has : On wednesday, during our weekly warzone get together with the customs crew

Halo fleet battles supercarrier